FINALBORGO – Tourist Guide<br/> English

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FINALBORGO – Tourist Guide


Tourist Guide

Marco Tomassini
il Geko edizioni

Formato 14,8x21
Pagine 64 (color photo)
ISBN 978-88-3124-412-1

This guidebook is a precious tool, that gives you the chance to visit Finalborgo with ease, following a numbered map. The text recounts the history of this fantastic medieval Ligurian town, lingering over the streets, palazzi and details that would otherwise go unabserved. The numbering of the maps correspond to the same number of photos that complete the text making it more enjoyable to read.

MARCO “THOMAS” TOMASSINI (1971) was born in Italy, in the city of Genoa. He started climbing and making trips to the Finale area in the 1980s, where he later moved. His love of the mountains and rock brought him first to pot holing and then climbing. Within a short time he also started bolting climbing routes particularly in the Finale area. In 2007 he published, with the editors Le Mani Edizioni, his first guidebook to Finale entitled “Finale by Thomas”, a sort of professional CV of his climbing routes. And now it is the turn of his tenth book to be published, a guidebook that describes in detail the walled medieval town, or “borgo”, of Finale Ligure.

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