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Marco Tomassini
il Geko edizioni

Formato 14,8x21
Pagine 32 (color photo)
ISBN 978-88-3124-400-8

A 32 page brochure that describes the Ferrata degli Artisti route, situated just outside Magliolo (Savona, Italy). Inside you will find a short description of its history. On the following pages there are a series of tables giving the times it takes to do the various sections and two maps. Then there is  a section explaining how to get there by car, starting from the closest motorway exit (Finale Ligure) including photos of every junction and the distances between them (so you don’t even need a sat nav). Continuing, there is a description of the approach and descent paths and of all the various sections that make up the actual “via ferrata”. Here also there are photos and detailed explanations of the whole itinerary, all the way back to the car.

The brochure is available in Italian, English, French and German.

MARCO “THOMAS” TOMASSINI (1971) was born in Italy, in the city of Genoa. He started climbing and making trips to the Finale area in the 1980s, where he later moved. His love of the mountains and rock brought him first to pot holing and then climbing. Within a short time he also started bolting climbing routes particularly in the Finale area. Between 1993 and 1996 he became a potholing instructor with the Società Speleologica Italiana and then a sports climbing instructor with the Unione Italiana Sport per Tutti and also a support instructor with the Club Alpino Italiano. Finale and its many crags became his area of choice for climbing and bolting. Here, in the last twenty-six years, he has equipped, by himself and together with others, more than 600 routes. In 2007 he published, with the editors Le Mani Edizioni, his first guidebook to Finale entitled “Finale by Thomas”, a sort of professional CV of his climbing routes. In 2010 his second guidebook was published, “Finale… non solo mare”, published by the same editor, that described the many non-hotel forms of accommodation available in the area. In 2011, after a precise and obsessive mapping and surveying of the crags around Finale, the sport climbing guidebook “Finale Climbing” came out, published by the editors Versante Sud. In 2013 his fourth guidebook “Sentieri di Finale” came out, arising from his new passion: the search for and discovery of trekking trails in the Finale area, again published by he editors Versante Sud. In 2016 he wrote a completely different type of book with “The Guide to the 4 Towns” that meticulously describes four of the most beautiful towns in Italy. In the same year his first novel came out: “Il segreto della principessa Val”, a science fiction book which jumps back in time to rediscover historical characters such as Freud, Gaudí e Tesla. In 2017, after the huge success of “Finale Climbing”, a new edition of this climbing guidebook was published; a revised and updated version that, in its 808 pages, describes all the climbing routes in the Finale area… the first print run was sold out in a few months. This is his new guidebook, Liguria Picnic, where he describes picnic areas, meadows, lakes, pools and old medieval towns in Western Liguria, some interesting alternatives to the beach for families with children. In the meantime he has other projects in the pipeline, of a completely different genre, that will follow on the heels of this guidebook.

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